Adventure Time Wiki
Adventure Time Wiki
Ice King "Do you know what Ice King means?!"
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Elemental Games[]

  • Fire - Flame War
  • Candy - Candy Smash
  • Slime - Slime Time
  • Ice - Ice to Meet You

Candy Smash[]

James Smash 1
Strawberries Smash 1
Lemongrab Hit 3 times, gain a life
Zombie Cinnamon Bun Smash 1 , lose a life
'Hug Me' Candy Zombie Smash 1 , lose a life

Ice to Meet You[]


Name Effect
Blue Gem +10
Purple Gem +10
Orange Gem +10
Red Gem +10
Green Gem +10
Blue Diamond +300 +(x2 gems)
Boots x2 Speed
Heart +1 Life